Monday, July 19, 2010

Post Pregnancy Bikinis

Post Pregnancy Bikinis Post Pregnancy Bikinis

Post Pregnancy Bikinis Post Pregnancy Bikinis

Post Pregnancy Bikinis Post Pregnancy Bikinis
Losing weight might easily fit into that category. Certainly, we hear a lot about postpartum blues. The average new mom doesn't have access to those personal trainers, or special shakes and smoothies or nannies who watch the child while you go to your exercise class.

When you look at those celebrities' bodies and see the headlines that proclaim that they lost 33 pounds in six weeks, you really wonder if it's all a hoax or if a friendly photographer of the magazine ran their picture through an air brushing feature to shrink the star's stomach. You're feeling tired and not sleeping through the night. You have a new schedule. You have a new child.

If you're a first-time mom, losing body weight is probably the last thing on your mind. How did those women lose their baby weight so fast and still manage to look gorgeous in a bikini? However, if you've ever stood in line at a grocery store and flipped through magazines of new moms in bikinis, it makes you wonder. Losing weight after having a baby appears to be a daunting task for non-celebrity moms.