Many Tamil movies have been remade by the Mani Ratnam's Nayagan (1987) was included in Time magazine's 100 best movies list. Many Tamil-language films are premiered at various prestigious film festivals across the world, such as Mani Ratnam's Kannathil Muthamittal, Veyyil, Amir Sultan's Paruthiveeran, and lately Kanchivaram, directed by Priyadarshan, was been selected to be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Sivaji is a recent record-breaking film that gained worldwide attention for its high-budget, large opening, and excellent cinematography.
The first commercially successful Tamil film was Chandrasekhar release in 1948. The movies are filmed at picturesque locations all over the world. Tamil movie gallery portray Tamil culture along with an intelligent blend of drama, action, romance and comedy. Aishwarya Rai, Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone, Asin, is some of the bollywood actors who dedicate their success to the Tamil movie news.
Many of India’s popular movie stars made their debut in Tamil movies before making a mark in the Hindi Cinema. Tamil films have made their mark not only in India but all over the world with their films being distributed to various theatres in Sri Lanka, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa, Western Europe, and North America. It has the widest visibility compared to any other regional South Asian cinema and is India’s largest film industry after Bollywood in terms of distribution, revenue and audience. The Tamil cinema or the Tamil movies, also known as Kollywood is a Chennai based film industry that came into existence in 1916 with the first South Indian film release “Keechaka Vaadham”.
The first commercially successful Tamil film was Chandrasekhar release in 1948. The movies are filmed at picturesque locations all over the world. Tamil movie gallery portray Tamil culture along with an intelligent blend of drama, action, romance and comedy. Aishwarya Rai, Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone, Asin, is some of the bollywood actors who dedicate their success to the Tamil movie news.
Many of India’s popular movie stars made their debut in Tamil movies before making a mark in the Hindi Cinema. Tamil films have made their mark not only in India but all over the world with their films being distributed to various theatres in Sri Lanka, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa, Western Europe, and North America. It has the widest visibility compared to any other regional South Asian cinema and is India’s largest film industry after Bollywood in terms of distribution, revenue and audience. The Tamil cinema or the Tamil movies, also known as Kollywood is a Chennai based film industry that came into existence in 1916 with the first South Indian film release “Keechaka Vaadham”.