Monday, July 19, 2010

Iconic Bikinis

Iconic BikinisIconic Bikinis

Iconic BikinisIconic Bikinis

Iconic BikinisIconic Bikinis
No, it has been going strong since 1946. A Google image search yields pages of yellow polka dot bikinis, and has the g-string ever really gone out of style? A quick comparison between Ursula Anders' suit and Nicolita's All Tied Up, shows a striking resemblance.

Our fascination with these iconic bikinis shows no signs of waning. After this groundbreaking appearance, she received over 50,000 fan letters. Bernadini was, in fact, modeling the first modern bikini. In 1946, Louis RĂ©ard took 30 square inches of cloth screened with newsprint, fashioned it into a g-string bikini and choose Micheline Bernardini to model it at a fashion show.

It is, however the most important bikini in fashion history. This next bikini is not well known. The song is even said to be one of the major contributing factors in pushing bikinis into positive acceptance. Hollywood jumped on the proverbial bandwagon and ushered in first wave of surf movies.

After the song's release, bikini sales soared. Paul Vance, the writer of this extremely catchy ditty, called the song "a money machine" as he counted the millions of dollars he earned in royalties. The Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini went straight to the number one spot on Billboard Hot 100 and landed in the top ten on other charts around the world. The second iconic bikini on this list actually does not exist as a tangible garment, yet its praises have been sung since 1960.