Monday, July 5, 2010

Adult Body Painting

Adult Body Painting
Adult Body Painting
Adult Body Painting
Which can also be done. The Hanging Gardens weren't grown in fifteen minutes and either is the mastery of adult body painting when given the task of turning you into a fire-breathing dragon. Depending on the piece of art you choose, the process can take from a few minutes to a few hours. By method of airbrushing, painting, and drawing, your body can soon be entirely transformed into your fantasy.

Which can be done. Unless, of course, you really are Smokey the Bear. Or, if you can't make your mind up on which body part to paint, you can have your entire body brushed with a plethora of colors that completely disguises the real you underneath. Body painting artists are extremely professional and willing to cover any part of your body that you so desire, from head to toe.