Even so, soaked in a sea of MP3s, torrents and burned CDs is the very lore that made music such a primary part of my life. And let's face it, hauling crates of records, not to mention turntables, amps and speakers along with me is just plain unfeasible. The prospect of thousands of songs at my disposal is fantastic.
I admit it. At present, I love my iPod. But then again, what makes my generation unique is that we entered a world with technological limitations in spite of that, embraced any and all advances. What we sacrificed in matter, we compensated in handiness, as is normally the case. Vinyl LPs and turntables were the norm, but as technology marched on, our music became portable.
I was born into what some people only a few years younger might call a world of Luddites. I'm a member of a unique generation.
I admit it. At present, I love my iPod. But then again, what makes my generation unique is that we entered a world with technological limitations in spite of that, embraced any and all advances. What we sacrificed in matter, we compensated in handiness, as is normally the case. Vinyl LPs and turntables were the norm, but as technology marched on, our music became portable.
I was born into what some people only a few years younger might call a world of Luddites. I'm a member of a unique generation.