With walls hung with paintings and canvases is a big part of what makes your home attractive and a super place to live in. These hanging prints can when carefully selected become an excellent collection of their own, and therefore it can be with great pride that you show off your accommodation. As a connoisseur of art you might be wondering what the difference is between art prints and oil painting reproductions. One who is not acquainted with it may thing there is no difference between the two terms. They often are used interchangeably, but their meanings can differ greatly. If you want to buy these art reproductions it is significant that you know the difference.
Canvas Art Prints
This up-to-date technology for fine art or photograph reproductions uses a high-quality inkjet printer creating individual copies of any one image or images. That is why canvas art prints are identical copies of the genuine work of art. This printing process is like that of making a photocopy of a hand-written letter instead of rewriting it. Reproducing art by this photomechanical process is now very popular. Artists themselves often use canvas printing to create some copies of their own work which they sell on in limited additions. This special method is used to multiply copies of the best paintings and provide a lot of people with ample opportunity to contemplate their beauty.
Canvas Art Prints
This up-to-date technology for fine art or photograph reproductions uses a high-quality inkjet printer creating individual copies of any one image or images. That is why canvas art prints are identical copies of the genuine work of art. This printing process is like that of making a photocopy of a hand-written letter instead of rewriting it. Reproducing art by this photomechanical process is now very popular. Artists themselves often use canvas printing to create some copies of their own work which they sell on in limited additions. This special method is used to multiply copies of the best paintings and provide a lot of people with ample opportunity to contemplate their beauty.